Author: Chisco de Ascanio
Binding: Kindle Edition
Binding: Kindle Edition
MEDEVAC: Operaciones militares de Aeroevacuación Médica. Aspectos tácticos y fisiológicos (Spanish Edition)
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Own A Piece of History! Archive Photographs from the TRIBUNE COMPANY PUBLICATIONS Visit Our Other Archives: Jay Parrino's the Mint MMG Photo Archives Search our eBay Store! Shop our eBay Store! Show all subcategories Archive Photograph from the Historic Files of Medevac Lehigh Valley Hospital Helicopter Item No: ACF-567-MC Scan Size: 7.3" x 10.2" PHOTOGRAPH DETAILS Item No (SKU): ACF-567-MC Subject(s): Medevac Lehigh Valley Hospital Helicopter Subtitle: Morning Call Archive Photo Scan Size (in)
Illustrated on this Major League Aviation™ relaxed fit - classic cut Kids' T-Shirt is the United States Army's Sikorsky HH-60M MedEvac Black Hawk. The US Army's UH-60Q and HH-60L medical evacuation helicopters blend the fast, long-ranged Sikorsky Black Hawk with a clinical cabin for better patient care and a hybrid "glass" cockpit for night/adverse weather operations. The new HH-60M was designed from the frame up as the latest in medical evacuation aircraft. It provides comprehensive medical care from the battlefield to the hospital no matter how far. The HH-60M is faster and has more lift t
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