Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0781743621
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0781743621
The Washington Manual: Neurology Survival Guide (Survival Guide Series)
Written by Washington University house staff, this pocket-sized survival guide provides all the essential information that every intern needs from Day 1 on the wards, including the neurologic history and physical examination, a neuroanatomy review, specific neuroimaging techniques and diagnostic tools, and sections on stroke, seizures, vertigo, dizziness, and ataxia, acute vision loss, headache, movement disorders, dementia, and sleep disorders.. Download medicine books The Washington Manual Endocrinology Subspecialty Consult (Paperback) for free.
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Content includes algorithms, useful formulas, patient notes, top ten work-ups, common calls and complaints, key points on most common problems, essentials of "what not to miss" and "when to refer/call for help," and "tricks of the trade." A listing of neurological Internet resources is included. The Wash. Free medicine books The Washington Manual from rapidshare mediafire

The Washington Manual of Oncology
The Washington Manual of Oncology - Ramaswamy Govindan
Buy The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics by Corey Foster,Neville Mistry,Parin F. Peddi,Shivak Sharma,Washington University School of Medicine Department of Medicine and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
The Washington Manual(R) Pediatrics Survival Guide encapsulates the critical knowledge essential for a successful pediatric residency. The book includes chapters on "floor" survival, writing prescriptions, calculating IV fluids and feeds, laboratory reference values, and formulary information. A chapter on adolescent medicine addresses topics such as STDs, eating disorders, and suicide.
The Washington Manual of Oncology: Ramaswamy Govindan
Download The Washington Manual
Content includes algorithms, useful formulas, patient notes, top ten work-ups, common calls and complaints, key points on most common problems, essentials of "what not to miss" and "when to refer/call for help," and "tricks of the trade. You can download The Washington Manual for free. The Wash