Author: Steven G. Economou MD
Edition: 2
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0721616119
Edition: 2
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0721616119
Atlas of Surgical Techniques, 2e
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Every surgeon who carries out rhinoplasty procedures will learn a great deal from this book. The beginner is guided through the performance of a standard rhinoplasty operation that can be expanded to incorporate the described advanced techniques as experience is gained. Here, the emphasis is on the routine case that is too frequently overlooked in favor of the esoteric. For the already proficient surgeon, on the other hand, the latest breakthroughs in the management of difficult cases, such as saddle nose, skin sleeve problems, and dorsal grafting, are clearly depicted. When appropriate, approaches developed exclusively by the author are presented. The lucid text is complemented by a wealth of color figures.
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Atlas of Surgical Techniques, ISBN-13: 9780070234918, ISBN-10: 0070234914
Springer. Hardcover. 0387944583 Hardcover; 2002 Springer; 538 pages; "Rhinoplasty: An Atlas of Surgical Techniques" by Rollin K. Daniel. . Good.
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