Author: Eric J. Stern
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0397517327
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0397517327
Chest Radiology Companion: Methods, Guidelines, and Imaging Fundamentals (Imaging Companion Series)
Designed for easy reference, this thoroughly illustrated, portable handbook is a practical guide to performing and interpreting imaging studies of the adult chest.. Download medicine books Chest Radiology Companion for free.
Categories: Radiography, Thoracic. Contributors: Eric J. Stern - Author. Format: Paperback
The first section reviews the fundamentals of plain film radiography and high-resolution CT and presents chest CT protocols. The second section presents succinct, bulleted "key facts" about all commonly encountered pathologic entities, along with representative images and explanatory captions. The authors focus primarily on differential diagnoses and offer a combination of approaches to image interpretation--they use a basic pattern approach, an anatomic site of disease approach, or a disease process approach depending on what's best suited to a particular case. A list of suggested read. Free medicine books Chest Radiology Companion from rapidshare mediafire

Chest Radiology Companion
Categories: Radiography, Thoracic. Contributors: Eric J. Stern - Author. Format: Paperback
Chest Radiology Companion, ISBN-13: 9780397517329, ISBN-10: 0397517327
Univ of Washington Seattle Practical guide to adult chest radiograph interpretation Focuses on differential diagnosis in a case study format The sections include methods lung mediastinum chest wall pleura and diaphragm and common medical problems For radiology residents students and PAs Softcover DNLM Radiography Thoracic
This book is written by Eric J. Stern Published by Williams & Wilkins In 1999 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 3 Days.
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