Author: Barbara Gross Davis
Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0787965677
Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0787965677
Tools for Teaching
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by Fred Jones - Frederic H. Jones & Associates, Inc. (2000) - Paperback - ISBN 0965026302 9780965026307
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Learning Tools And Teaching Approaches Through Ict Adva
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Learning Tools and Teaching Approaches Through ICT Advancements Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Technology stimulates minds in ways that make a profound and lasting difference, especially in the classroom. It can be used to adapt curriculum to diverse learners or to express material in ways not possible prior to the creation of new technologies. Learning Tools and Teaching Applications through ICT Advancements
Book Description In Tools for Teaching, Dr. Jones describes the skills by which exceptional teachers make the classroom a place of success and enjoyment for both themselves and their students. Tools for Teaching integrates the management of discipline, instruction and motivation into a system that allows you to reduce the stress of teaching by preventing most management headaches. Dr. Jones helps you reduce student disruptions, backtalk, helpless handraising and dawdling while helping you increase responsible behavior, motivation and independent learning. These skills are made accessable by pr
Clever ideas for using Google Tools effectively for students grades 3-12 and for all teachers . Google offers a multitude of terrific tools that can be used to enhance both teaching and learning. These tools are powerful, user-friendly, and FREE!! This book highlights many of these tools and provides clever ideas for using them in the classroom. Covers Google search, alerts, maps, reader, blogger, gmail, calendar, and more.
Categories: Classroom management->Handbooks, manuals, etc., College teaching->Handbooks, manuals, etc., Curriculum planning->Handbooks, manuals, etc.. Contributors: Barbara Gross Davis - Author. Format: Paperback
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