Author: Charles Butler MD
Edition: 1 Har/Dvdr
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0702029262
Edition: 1 Har/Dvdr
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0702029262
Head and Neck Reconstruction with DVD: A Volume in the Procedures in Reconstructive Surgery Series, 1e
This volume in the Procedures in Reconstructive Surgery Series covers the key head and neck reconstructive surgical techniques you need to stay on the cutting edge of this rapidly evolving specialty.. Download medicine books Head And Neck Reconstruction With Dvd: A Volume In The Procedures In Reconstruc. for free.
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Experts clearly explain how to perform procedures, sharing "tricks of the trade" and clinical pearls so you can offer your patients superior results. Each book uses a concise, consistent format that complements the commentary and procedures in operative clips on the accompanying DVD. Master essential reconstructive surgical techniques with the comprehensive titles in this series!Provides real-life clinical details and clear visual guidance to the different operative steps with full-color illustrations and original artwork.
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Head and Neck Reconstruction with DVD: A Volume in t..., 9780702029264
Head and Neck Reconstruction with DVD: A Volume in the Procedures in Reconstructive Surgery Series, ISBN-13: 9780702029264, ISBN-10: 0702029262
Contributors: Charles Butler - Author. Format: Hardcover
This volume in the Procedures in Reconstructive Surgery Series covers the key head and neck reconstructive surgical techniques you need to stay on the cutting edge of this rapidly evolving specialty. Experts clearly explain how to perform procedures, sharing "tricks of the trade" and clinical pearls so you can offer your patients superior results. Each book uses a concise, consistent format that complements the commentary and procedures in operative clips on the accompanying DVD. Master essential reconstructive surgical techniques with the comprehensive titles in this series!
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Offers complete coverag