Edition: Second Edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1572306092
Edition: Second Edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1572306092
Child Psychopathology, Second Edition
Now in a fully revised and updated second edition, this authoritative text integrates state-of-the-art theory and empirical research on a wide range of child and adolescent disorders.. Download medicine books Child Psychopathology for free.
Categories: Behavior disorders in children, Children and childhood, Child psychopathology. Contributors: Jeffrey J. Haugaard - Author. Format: Hardcover
Featuring contributions from leading scholars and clinicians, the volume is notable for its comprehensive coverage of the biological, psychological, and social-contextual determinants of childhood problems. Each chapter focuses on a specific disorder, describing its characteristics, developmental course, and epidemiology; outlining current diagnostic and classification schemes; identifying risk and protective factors; and discussing implications for prevention and treatment. Including a new chapter on adolescent substance use disorders, the second edition has . Free medicine books Child Psychopathology from rapidshare mediafire

Handbook of Child Psychopathology
Categories: Behavior disorders in children, Child psychopathology. Contributors: Thomas H. Ollendick - Editor. Format: Paperback
Categories: Behavior disorders in children, Children and childhood, Child psychopathology. Contributors: Jeffrey J. Haugaard - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Child psychopathology, Behavior disorders in children. Contributors: Thomas H. Ollendick - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Child psychopathology, Behavior disorders in children. Contributors: Thomas H. Ollendick - Author. Format: Hardcover
Download Child Psychopathology
Featuring contributions from leading scholars and clinicians, the volume is notable for its comprehensive coverage of the biological, psychological, and social-contextual determinants of childhood problems. You can download Child Psychopathology for free. Including a new chapter on adolescent substance use disorders, the second edition has